Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Good News!

I'm so excited about our new enrollees!  I got an email from Vern yesterday that said they were noticing some interesting things with their adopted kids that they started on ASEA!  One of their adopted girls suffers from a detachment disorder from being placed in an orphanage at such a young age.  They had explained to me that her brain hemispheres are literally not connected like they should be because she didn't get the nurturing she needed as a baby.  They were starting to look into therapy for her and are very concerned about her future if she doesn't get some kind of help in coping with it.  I don't know for sure what is going on since she started drinking ASEA.... just the email that said they were seeing some interesting things.....  not sure what's happening yet... but we will keep tabs on it.  I would assume that she will still need some kind of counseling therapy.... but if the ASEA can help her brain cells repair those imperfections.... who know how it could change her life!!!
I love this product and company and am grateful daily for what I am seeing!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I LOVE THIS COMPANY!  I can't even emphasis that enough!  Holy cow!  Not only do we have THE most phenomenal product in the world......  but the leadership is incredible.  These are men and women that speak from the heart.... that have corporate knowledge beyond what any MLM company has ever had and CARES about each and every Associate and wants the to be successful.  Even those who have never been in this industry will find success beyond their wildest dreams if they will but listen to how and what they are being told.  The tools are amazing and will do the talking for us.

I personally have never been very successful in this industry.  I know why now.  Mostly and mainly because I never had the passion for any of the products that I was involved with.  They were good.... but never anything that I could speak with a point of conviction that it is real.... that it will benefit everyone.  I'm learning how critically important it is to stay, as they call it, 'plugged in'.  VERY important.  It gives me the drive, reassures what I know and feel about this product and helps me realize that it's ok to approach people about it and it gives me the tools to do it.  AWESOME!

I am looking forward to building a business that will bring me so much satisfaction to know that you are offering something to someone that will truly make a difference in their lives.  What a blessing!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I keep telling people that one of the best things about being an ASEA distributor is the training they offer.  I  think you will find that it is different than any other Network marketing company.  The team is amazing and so well trained in corporate America and they want to bring some of that philosophy to their distributors.  Great stuff.  Not just he material.....but who and how it is being trained.  Tyler Norton is an amazing guy in his own right.   So much integrity and honesty in everything he presents.